Bedroom Versions: ‘Little Lucy, What’s Your Problem?’

I guarantee you this is the best song you’ve never heard. Unless you know me, in which case you should be more than aware of it already. If you aren’t, I’m sorry I’ve been holding out on you.

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Bedroom Versions: ‘Northwest Passage’

For all that I’ve spent my life immersed in music, I’m happy to admit there are gaping holes in my musical knowledge. I love Northern Soul, for all that I don’t recognise half the classics; I can and will argue you into submission as to why the reigning trifecta of Britpop is in fact Kenickie, the Boo Radleys and Pulp, but I couldn’t name three singles by the Verve to save my life.

All of which is to say that I frequently discover well-regarded, much-covered artists who have nevertheless completely passed me by. Continue reading