Bedroom Versions: ‘The Friend That You Need Right Now (Sheffield Song)’

Lockdown is hard.

No prizes for insight there. If it were easy, we wouldn’t all be so keen for it to end.

Whichever way you cut it, I’ve been incredibly lucky. Not going to go into details – I have a whole other song about which to do that – just take my word for now. Like all forms of privilege, it’s hard to know what to do to level the playing field when you’re on the inside. I’ve heard, through the grapevine of Zoom calls and Facebook Messenger, of folks I’m no longer in touch with going through bad times, and I find it hard to know what to do.

Social interaction is enough of a challenge, let alone in the time of coronavirus. Writing songs is easy. It’s certainly easier for me to share this video of a song about reaching out to someone in need than it is to actually reach out to someone in need. Come to that, it’s easier than trying to write about the song itself.

In whatever way, if you’re struggling right now, I hope this helps.

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